Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's the middle of the day but I'm in a great mood. Not that everyday I'm in a bad mood but today has been very special. Part of this journey has been re-learning how to walk especially my right, semi-numb side. Today, new growth going on, I tackled a big issue I have had the past 15 months.. going places with someone new and increasing the faith. Let me explain:
We have 14 steps outside our apartment and it is a challenge for me to go up and down the stairs. In the past, I always wanted my husband or dad to be there to walk with me. It's not that I don't trust others but there is this anxious side. yes fear. yes don't want to be a burden side. I was concerned. What if I missed a step? What if I stumble? on the stairs? walking? I didn't want to put anyone in the position or burden of caring for me or me hurt them in the process. My husband and dad are there for me, I know them, their capable but what if someone wanted to help that I didn't know. Well that stops today!
I have wanted to go to a bible study that meets on Thursday mornings. My dad took me last fall when he was here but he isn't here so the only way to go is have someone take me. I have prayed about this issue and this morning God allowed me the courage, strength and calmness to walk the steps and climb the stairs. To believe that I can do this no matter who is there or around and even the excitement that I can do this on my own if I had to walk alone. I used to think (know) but now I believe and know with all my heart that I may be slow but God is right with me walking!

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."
Philipians 4:6 AMP


Mining for Diamonds said...

Makes me think of that chorus "And He walks with me and He talks with me/and tells me I am His own"...I think that's the words, anyway, lol! So glad you are finding new strength and courage!

Carrie said...

Hooray!!! I am thrilled that you are going to be going to the bible study. I know you will be blessed by it and I will keep praying for you!

child of God said...

Wonderful! Keep trusting Him and He will provide for you always. Have faith in Him who loves you so much.
